Sunday, April 17, 2011

Early 2008 animation!!

While in the process of filling up this page this page. I thought i should put up an animation i did a while back as a test "I couldn't resist when i heard the random spongebob chocolate screaming audio clip!!. Although i really wish i would get back to animating more again but for now my primary focus has been on illustration and sequential art!! however please enjoy!!


On a side note, This video was the inspiration for this picture below "Which Ive printed into stickers!"

any feedback is always welcome!!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A thousand different projects at once!!

So with San Diego Comic con looming over in the horizon. Ive decided to take another shot and actually make another full issue by that time "along with several pages I'm doing as a test for my story telling ability!" With that and a couple other pics I've been meaning to draw up kinda makes it a little unrealistic that i will get it all done!! I've also been meaning to start a how to draw video "with my own little twist in there" I want try to document the process of making the book as I'm actually doing it!! It would be like a online comic book adventure as i create it and then try my luck putting it out there to the big leagues..though is it good enough?....we shall see!!!